GiveTakeFoundations promote good causes

Foundations promote philanthropic and ecological causes: research and education, protection of ecosystems and the environment, reduction of poverty and health care. Foundation investments should have a positive impact by serving these purposes.

Good foundations invest assets in line with their good causes

Decision makers of trustworthy foundations act responsibly: they control the risk and return of their investments. And they ensure that foundation investments leave a positive social and environmental footprint. The selection of sustainable asset classes and ethically sound investments serve these goals. Foundation managers of good foundations actively prevent any reputational risk that may be attributed to their investments or to the choice of their financial intermediary.

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YNVESTOR helps foundations to invest sustainably and in line with their good causes

YNVESTOR helps foundation boards and their investment committees

YNVESTOR helps foundation boards and their investment committees to develop and implement sustainable investment strategies. Financial and socio-ecological returns are the result.

YNVESTOR improves investment strategies of foundations

YNVESTOR improves investment strategies of foundations based on scientific evidence

  • We analyze and certify investment portfolios: risk-/return profiles and sustainability criteria
  • We develop investment guides for good governance and effective implementation
  • We coach investment skills of foundation board members and decision takers
  • We support a transparent investment controlling and develop balanced scorecards to control risks
YNVESTOR supports you in delivering state-of-the-art investment strategies for foundations

YNVESTOR supports you in delivering state-of-the-art investment strategies for foundations. We serve you as a consultant, a trainer or a project manager. In large-scale projects or in smaller initiatives. For sustainable financial returns with a positive impact. For financial transparency and a good reputation.

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Illustration: ©BehaviorGap/License: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0